Thursday, October 21, 2010

i believe in miracles

^^that is the title of a sick song by Norwegian Recycling, for all you MJ fans out there. thanks for showing it to me evelyn! you can listen to it here.
In other news... guess what?! 
You're looking at a chorus girl in the musical!! 
At first I was wishing that I got a bigger part, but I'm just glad I can be a part of it and I'm happy that I won't have as big of a commitment but just as many ounces of fun. ;) The first meeting/read-through with the cast is tomorrow, it's becoming real!

When I came home from school today, my mom says: "Oh, you got a letter in the mail from your brother". Odd, he's never sent me mail before. I cut up a pear, turned on some chill tunes, and sat at my kitchen table ready to open it. I haven't talked to this long-lost brother of mine for a couple of weeks now and with the business of life haven't even had time to miss him. As soon as I started reading it, I heard his voice in my head and all the emotions of him leaving came back. I remembered Coss, my amazing big brother. I started tearing up after the first sentence! He was so incredibly encouraging and honest and he opened up to me a side of him I've never been able to understand. All the things a girl needs to hear from her brother, he told me. I felt so loved and not forgotten, but also had an ache in my heart because I realized once again that we're apart! And I'm going to have to get used to seeing him twice a month instead of every day. But at least I have confidence now that our relationship will never disintegrate just because we live in different cities - he will always be my big brother, no matter how old and independent and "mature" we become!

I love you Nathan, you are better than any brother I could ever hope for, and I apologize for not showing you how much I appreciate you!
We went to Nate's graduation ceremony before thanksgiving.
Mom attempted to edit the picture nicely but made it blue instead haha... 

Other than that lovely surprise, I have my G2 road test tomorrow.. eek. I'm excited/slightly anxious/trying to trust that God's in control! Maybe He doesn't want me to drive by myself yet or maybe He does, I just gotta be content with whatever He decides. However, it would make life a lot easier... :)

Wow, it's been an eventful couple of weeks! there's not usually this much stuff going on! But yeah. it's way past my 'bedtime' so I better hit the hay.
enjoy the rest of this beautiful autumn week!


"But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands."
- Psalm 31:14-15

Friday, October 15, 2010

quick update

hey folks. so i have 2 minutes to write this because I'm about to go practise my parking, yeah be scared. - I'LL WRITE FAST.

Soooo.... my audition was yesterday! I was nervous before going, but once I entered the theatre, all my fears were gone and I just LOVED being on that stage! I've never sang alone in front of people before, and I realized that the acoustics in theatres make it easier to sing somehow, it's like echo-ey or something.

anyway, Dad's yelling at me to come. going to boston in 2 hours! haven't packed yet :S

okay i better go.. ha BYE!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

take-a take-a chance chance

What's the sitch? 
(and since when was it okay to wear half shirts ?) 


I've had 4 four/three-day weeks in a row! So great. 

Tomorrow I'm doing something crazyy - auditioning for the school musicale! Who knew Meagan could sing?! Yeah, me neither. I can keep a tune, but you would not want to hear me belting out a solo - unless you enjoy the sound of dying cats or boys going through puberty... everyone's different though.. But yeah, it's a fairytale type play which means if I get a part I get to wear princess-ey dresses! Not gonna lie, that was one of the major deal breakers. So I'm gonna be singing "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid, and acting a scene as this pompous Queen - it will definitely be unforgettable!! I'm excited though cause a lot of my good friends are doing it too, it will be fun. :)

well minus that peculiar pillow on her head 

This friday I'm jetting off - erm, well driving off - to Boston for their teen-led conference! I did not expect I'd be able to go at all, but I guess God worked it all out. It will be great seeing everyone and seeing all my friends up at the podium preachin, singin, dancin, and leadin this whole shindig! I'm especially looking forward to a young man sharing at the girls purity talk, I hope I get to sit beside Shannon Robbinss ;) hehe. 

A week tomorrow is my G2 ROAD TEST! That means that if I pass, I get to drive all by my lonesome - that much closer to sweet freedom. Let's hope I make it out of there with a smiling face, and without any dents on my dad's car! 

no that's not me, you racist. 

Other than that, just living life, trying to surrender and trust God on the daily, drinking hot chocolate, doing homework, and trying to stay warm and cozy as the heat is slowly escaping, but that's okay I like fuzzy sweaters and sleeping with big covers. :)

off to midweek, i'll fill you in on how the audition goes :S !


"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." 
- Philippians 4:8

Sunday, October 10, 2010

one of many things

one of the things i am thankful for is reunions with dear childhood friends.
love you willow, hope to see you soon so we can make up more delicious songs! ... literally, we sing about food, what else is more important than that, ESPECIALLY at this time of year? :)

I wish you all (Canadians, that is) a wonderful time of family, friends, food, and most of all thanks!

P.S. looking forward to round 2 of the thanksgiving meal festivities tomorrow. This time with the two other musketeers, finally reunited - can't wait.

P.P.S. Happy Sweet 16 Miss Cassandra Jim! Hope you had a good one :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Everyone, including me, seems to be in school mode these days and stressed and overwhelmed. Let's open up the blinds, let the sun come in and dwell on all the great things going on, despite the grossness of school. :)


to reconnecting with my soon-to-be sixteen year old friend and watching sappy movies and baking layered cakes and vegging out on the couch together,

back in the early days, where it all started with us :)

to baking homemade pies with parents and seeing them act all cute together,

to EATING homemade pies, with whipped cream on top ! ,

it might not have looked this gourmet, but sure tasted delishh!

to seeing my best friend Rachel every week, and seeing her make the most important decision - to become a disciple and get dunked! 2 more days! ,

get ready to be cleaned gurrrll! aha :)

to falling leaves and pretty colours and crisp autumn air and getting all cozied up in fuzzy socks and old man sweaters,


to staying up late blogging even though I have tests to prep for! Take that school blues,

yes garfield

to life and love and laughs and memories and smiles and embarrassing moments and epic encounters.

oovoo - it was short-lived but worth it

playing human jenga? looks like it

trying new things like being in a MUSICAL!

and lastly...

to Thanksgiving , a time of celebration and family and seeing my BROTHER and stuffing ourselves like crazy and doing more endless bake-a-thons :D

can't wait to be reunited !
 oops i lied, one more!

to NOT exercising or worrying about my body image after stuffing myself silly ! 

aww i feel your pain... oh wait, i don't! baha

i hope you all have a wonderful day and look on the bright side, there is always something amazing going on just under your nose if you take the time to look.

meg. :)

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full"
- Matthew 10:10

Saturday, October 2, 2010

weakness and strength

Whenever you think something's easy, it gets hard. Coming back from the high of summer and camp and everything, I was feeling on top of the world, ready to face school with my nerf gun of evangelism loaded. I was going to defeat the back-to-school slump, have amazing quiet times before sun up, connect with disciples all the time, share my faith, etc etc etc. 

If only that were the case and I could find my security in all the "things" I do and how "strong" I am! ...

I'm thinking God was trying to show me what a fool I am. Good news, he was successful as always! Like clockwork, as school started, I got overwhelmed with homework, slept in more often than not, and my time with christians diminished slowly as each week went by. I was so frustrated and felt so lost, like there was always a looming cloud reminding me of my failures. I felt discouraged which brought me farther from God rather than closer. I wanted so bad to be close again, but it felt like my efforts weren't working. 

It wasn't until I really got open, had great time with close friends and my discipler, that I started to feel hope again, to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started to pray again and surrender all these emotions to God. And this week has been one of the best! I don't know what shifted, but I know it was all from Him, and I'm so grateful. It was hard when I felt so unworthy and not enough, but I know God used those times to teach me I can never get my security from my own accomplishments, least of all my emotions! I can never earn grace, no matter how much I try. He's teaching me to accept my failures and just come to Him with everything. It's so freeing to know that God won't give me what I deserve. I'm not sharing this to boast at all, quite the contrary! I'm saying that I stink. God is great. And I hope whoever's reading this will feel a sense of hope and encouragement that we will fail! All the time! And that's okay!

Man, I wish someone told me that before. Oh wait, they did. Satan's a tricky trickster sometimes - all the time.

Ha, but yeah that's the latest and the greatest. 

Hope you have a great day ! But if you don't, that's okay too, sometimes we need some bad days...


meg. :)