Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Where are your treasures stored?

This life is seriously so temporary. All the things society worships will not last beyond this life - physical appearance, money, music, success, excitement, travel. What really matters is securing our eternal destiny and discovering the incredible freedom of Jesus Christ - the one and only man who has loved you perfectly and knows the inner workings of your heart but still sees you as beautiful and valuable. Life with Jesus is true excitement and fulfillment. It may sound far-fetched or cliche but I see it in my life. I've tried searching for security in perfecting myself and being liked by others. Making sure my outfits are stylish and Facebook photos flawless in order to be accepted. Trying so hard to get the attention of guys, to say and do the right things you know will impress. Subconsciously competing with other girls and comparing yourself, wanting to be the most spiritual, beautiful, like-able. Becoming easily envious, insecure, and discontent.

These things are so empty. This is not what God planned for us who have been made new in Christ. We have been called to leave behind the world and be transformed to the likeness of Jesus. To die to ourselves and live in service to God, serving others and loving sincerely. Jesus was not concerned with his reputation, appearance, or whether or not others thought well of him. Imagine for a moment what Jesus would be doing if he was on the earth right now. Would he be spending his money on clothes and shoes, making sure his appearance rivaled those of the current fashion icons? Would he be devoted to his computer, surfing twitter and Facebook and uploading Instagram photos of his every activity to prove that he has an interesting life? Or would he be living in a stark contrast to the world and media, in humble appearance, devoting his time with those most in need - the homeless, abused, depressed, lonely, spiritually poor?

The apostle John was described as the disciple whom Jesus loved. This was his perspective on life:

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them." - 1 John 2:15

If you believe in God's Word, then this is a serious command! If anyone loves this world, they do not have love for God. We are all servants of something - if it's not God, then what is it for you? Satan masquerades as an angel of light trying to distract us from pure devotion to Christ - he fills our minds with distractions, worries, fears, and worldly passions.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" - James 1:27

We must actively run away from the world which pollutes our thinking - what do you let into your body which is God's holy temple? Movies, tv shows, music, books, websites - are they pure, do they lead you to love God and serve people? Even if they are not inappropriate, do the hours you spend on these things help you grow spiritually or help the lost people of this world to see God? What is the goal of your life? If it is just to be happy, entertained, and to have fun, then you are not following Jesus. 

"Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did." - 1 John 2:6

This is not optional! Jesus deserves so much from us, and God has an amazing plan for us if we are willing to throw off the worldly things that promise much but deliver little. I've been evaluating my life and priorities, and God has opened my eyes to the materialism and self-focus of our generation - which has seeped its way into the kingdom. Let's be radical sisters! It's not acceptable to simply be a purer version of the world. We can't have the best of both worlds.

"I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." - 1 Timothy 2:9-10

lastly, sisters, you are all incredibly beautiful and radiant. You don't need braided hair, trendy outfits, or curled eyelashes to prove your beauty or to be valued. God's plan was for us to radiate His beauty through our modesty and good deeds, not attracting attention to our appearance, but humbly serving and loving, and drawing our security from intimacy with Him. 

In conclusion, I fear that we are missing out on the fullness of a God-lead life because of worldly things stealing our time and devotion. It's time to re-evaluate priorities and discover what it really means for us to leave everything to follow our Lord.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The struggle is part of the story

Good evening all,

I found this post from the blog "The Freedom Experiment" that was super cleansing for my soul at a time of inner struggle. Hope it gives you an extra charge of strength and hope as well :)

I don’t believe in shortcuts. I don’t believe in easy rides. And I have yet to hear about anyone who went on a quest to make a dream come true and didn’t run against any sort of obstacle.

Fairy tales wouldn’t be fairy tales if the prince got the princess on the first try.

And you wouldn’t be you if it wasn’t for the struggles you have been through. It’s what makes you unique. Valuable. Strong.
The struggles you are facing are what makes your story truly yours.
What matters in the end is how you deal with it. And as far as I can see, there are only two options. You can let your struggles stop you. Or you can find another way.
Either way – your struggles and challenges are meant to be. It’s not wrong. It’s not pointless. It’s not unfair or bad luck.
Your struggles are there to teach you something.
What you learn from them is up to you.


Friday, January 11, 2013

a heart full of love

Hey guys,

This week I've been learning about humility. I have been majorly humbled by how weak I really am! It's like one second I have discovered a deep insight and feel the victory of overcoming an insecurity - and then the next I'm back to square one, believing Satan's lies about God, myself, and my circumstances. That God doesn't really believe in me or love me, that I will never meet His expectations and should just give up trying. I see challenges with friends, school, family, and struggle with my inner battle to do what is right. It is all exhausting to dwell on and steals my peace and joy.

Confession: I am incredibly powerless on my own.

Discovery: God has given me a piece of Himself - His Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline! It says in Galatians that the Spirit produces joy, love, peace, kindness and self-control!
(Phew, there is HOPE!)

So this week, the first week back to school, as I've been feeling more powerless, discouraged, and hopeless about my life, there is a way out! I just gotta get on my knees and pray to be filled with God's Spirit. Jesus said that the peace he gives is a gift the world cannot give (John 14:27). I won't find true peace in shopping, tv shows, getting attention from guys, or yoga. Because the things of this world cannot give the true, lasting peace that only God can give.

I pray that you get to experience Jesus' peace this week a midst the challenges and discouraging things that come your way. You are not alone :)

