Monday, July 5, 2010

guilty pleasure

I have no self-control when it comes to good food, and lucky for me these foods usually belong to the bread department. Today, for instance, I made delicious crepes for a going away breakfast for my friends, which filled me up. Then, for lunch, Jacqueline and I cleared out a whole bag of Tostitos chips, lime flavoured with salsa, in one sitting. Yum. I tell myself that I will eat salad for dinner to make myself feel better, but we all know that will not happen. My mom made a scrumptious pasta salad for dinner AND she bought this hearty Italian bread from a bakery that I just couldn’t resist! Two plates of pasta and many slices of bread and butter later, here I am and I’m proud to say that I do not regret my food choices today. However, I did have fruit in my crepes, watermelon with the chips, and a salad with my dinner so all hope is not lost! And I’m definitely gonna go for a nice, long walk today to offset the day (or so I tell myself...) hehe I think i’m gonna grab myself another slice of heaven, that bread is calling my name...

gotta go, bye!



  1. ah bread.
    i could write a novel about my love of bread. and the sequel about all carbs.
    CREPES SOUND SO GOOD!! i need more crepes in my life!!

    i love your blog!! i mean imogen heap is playing and the first post i read is about blog! AWESOMENESS!

    and your comment on my about me post seriously made my day! it just made me SMILE so giant i probably looked like a freak. haha. so thank you for your sweet comment!


  2. Haha! Not to worry, you're not alone. I have the sameeeeee problem. When I smell good food, I just lose my self control and gobblegobble it all up! :)

    Cute blog! Keep writing! :)


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