1. start a blog (oh wait, i already did!)
2. read 10 good books
3. plant a flower; attempt gardening
4. go a week without wearing make-up
5. send flowers to a stranger
6. develop a greater understanding of the old testament
7. run 5k
8. make a movie with friends
9. lie in the grass and stare at clouds for a whole day
10. go for a prayer walk/hike
11. visit a waterfall in hamilton
12. call up an old friend and get together
13. fast from facebook for a week
14. tiedye something
15. complete a big puzzle
16. learn a piece on the piano
17. write a song
18. study the bible with a school friend!
19. actually write on my blog
20. donate money to a meaningful charity
21. have a dance party to old favourites
22. watch all the disney movies again
23. go somewhere i've never been
24. learn how to do a cartwheel, and how to say greetings the star trek way with my hands
25. pick berries and make a pie
26. get my license!
27. spend quality time with someone i don't know too well
28. stay up all night
29. camp out in the backyard
30. have a picnic and make it a date
31. have a photoshoot
32. shopping spree at value village
33. give away all the things i don't use or need
34. go on a date with God, somewhere special
35. take pictures in a field
and finally...
36. be content! enjoy every moment and find joy in the little things. :)

i guess i got the field pictures covered already, love you amals and gill! <3 photo cred to shannon robbins :)
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