I love going to the cottage because it seems like time slows down. All the things that bombard me are gone, and everything is so - peaceful. I got here yesterday with my fam, and we finally get to spend some bonding time now that we're forced to be together haha. I'm surprised at how much fun it's been hanging out with them! Nathan's turned into a 10 year old again, he'll see a turtle and go running to the shore to catch them. I'm looking forward to going canoeing, roasting marshmallows tonight, and being one with nature - it's so easy to connect with God when I'm surrounded by His creation! It's cool cause my mom started coming to this place when she was 17, and now I'm almost that age - it's gonna be a sad day when we sell this old cabin, we've made so many memories here. Until then, i'm gonna enjoy it and relaaxx.. which means getting away from the computer! signing off,
" He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul." - psalm 23:2-3
" He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul." - psalm 23:2-3

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